Christmas in August?

I woke up yesterday with the excitement of a child on Christmast morning! On Sunday, at the end of a Solemn Evensong on the Feast of Bernard of Clairvaux, we marked our 201st Matriculation service and welcomed 16 new Hybrid MDiv students into the centuries old community of learning at GTS.

During rehearsal, I told the students that they were going to sing two hymns which, in time, would become powerful reminders of their years of study at GTS - Chelsea Square (#521 - “Put forth, O God, they Spirit’s might”) and St. Patrick’s Breastplate (#370). I have yet to meet a General alum in whom these two hymns fail to stir a sense of nostalgia or gratitude.

The service was beautiful and the reception and meal afterward were everything you would expect from matriculation - festive and full of joy.

It was a wonderful way to launch a new academic year!



“With Christians far and near”


Returning with Gratitude